The atmosphere and oceans are not the only parts of the environment being da

游客2023-08-02  11

问题     The atmosphere and oceans are not the only parts of the environment being damaged. Rain forests are being quickly destroyed as well, and their 【S1】______ is questionable. E.O. Wilson, a biologist at Harvard, called the reduction of rain forests areas "the greatest extinction since the end of the age of dinosaurs." Unlike some environmental 【S2】______, rain forest reduction has 【S3】______ received 【S4】______    public and media attention. Despite the opposition to the cutting down of rain forests, the problem still 【S5】______. Every year, Brazil chops down an area of forest the size of the state of Nebraska. In addition to the Amazon’s rain forests, many others are being cut down as well.
    According to some 【S6】______, 50 million acres of rain forest are cut down every year. The 【S7】______, actually, according to the UN’s information, is closer to 17 million acres. The World Wildlife Fund says that every minute, 25 to 50 acres are cut or burned to the ground.
    The world’s growing population has been a 【S8】______ cause of rain forest destruction. More people need land to live on and wood products to 【S9】______. 【S10】______ population growth may be the first in a series of steps that would prevent the rain forests from being ruined.

               Word Bank:
A. continues               I. primary
B. consume                 J. fantastic
C. living                  K. estimates
D. fortunately             L. issues
E. figure                  M. fundamental
F. terribly                N. stimulating
G. Limiting                O. significant
H. survival


答案 H

解析 这里需要一个名词,联系文章内容,说热带雨林正在减少,它们的_______也成问题、因此选survival“生存、幸存”。