In the eyes of the author, a strange phenomenon nowadays is that______. [br] Wha

游客2023-08-02  20

问题 In the eyes of the author, a strange phenomenon nowadays is that______. [br] What’s the author’s advice to women who are absorbed in the idea of thinness?

选项 A、They should be more concerned with their overall lifestyle.
B、They should be more watchful for fatal diseases.
C、They should gain weight to look healthy.
D、They should rid themselves of dreams about famous clothes.

答案 A

解析 态度题。文章末段指出,实际上,我们需要关心的并不是我们的体重如何,而是我们的运动量如何,饮食如何。也就是说不论是谁,不论其胖瘦,有着良好的生活方式从而使身体健康才是最好的。因此A“人们应多关注其整体生活方式”为答案。