This passage mainly discusses how epidemics spread and how to prevent in advance

游客2023-08-01  10

问题 This passage mainly discusses how epidemics spread and how to prevent in advance. [br] Epidemics are most likely start in big cities where poor people live crowded together in miser- able conditions.

选项 A、Y

答案 A

解析 本题涉及到流行病的多发区,应锁定文章的第十一段。该段首句提到流行病多发生在人口聚集区,第二句则明确指出Poor people in big cries who live crowded together in miserable conditions have the most health problems,即大城市中居住拥挤、生活条件恶劣的穷人最容易遇到健康问题。题干内容是对此的同义转述,Epidemics are most likely start对应文中的have the most health problems,因此本题表述完全正确。