[originaltext]M: Next time you invite me to dinner, shall I bring a bottle of w

游客2023-08-01  8

M: Next time you invite me to dinner, shall I bring a bottle of wine?
W: That’s all right with me, but you know it is not the custom to bring alcohol to people’s homes in this country.
Q: What does the woman think about the man’s offer?
M: All good things must come to an end, they say. So if you will excuse me, I will be leaving.
W: It’s a shame that you have to leave so early. But you have an early flight tomorrow.
Q: What do you learn about the man?

选项 A、His relation with the woman comes to an end.
B、He is going to take an air trip.
C、He is expressing his gratefulness.
D、He feels ashamed to ask for excuse.

答案 B

解析 根据选项,推测对话的内容与男子的动作相关。对话中的“But you have an early flight tomorrow.”表示男子要坐飞机,因此答案是B。