It is often through good dinners that one makes friends. In Japan, there are【B1】

游客2023-08-01  23

问题 It is often through good dinners that one makes friends. In Japan, there are【B1】"Dining Groups" or "Wine Groups", formed by people of different【B2】of life but of more or less【B3】standing; having as their common object, good living and the【B4】of friendship. They meet weekly or【B5】or on the birthday of one of the members, who play host in turn. As a rule, the dinner is held in one’s own home, unless for some reasons this is【B6】, in which case it can be held in a【B7】restaurant. On each occasion, the host may include a couple of guests【B8】to the others, Thus one makes new friends and keeps old friendship in constant repair. Sometimes, similar feasts are held for the sake of art and literature.【B9】
As to the part that delicious food can play in smoothing negotiation, this must be a common experience of every man of affairs.【B10】"Will you lunch with me?" is a familiar phrase in the business world either in prefacing a successful deal or in celebrating one.【B11】


答案 various

解析 意为“各种各样的”。所填词修饰“Dining Groups” or“Wine Groups”,有可能是形容词或数词。这句话通过举例,对上一句进一步说明。注意第一句中的频度副词often,所填词照应often,应含有“多”的意思。