Jeff Bewkes compared CEOs to some stocks in that ______. [br] Mark May’s words s

游客2023-08-01  11

问题 Jeff Bewkes compared CEOs to some stocks in that ______. [br] Mark May’s words seem to suggest that ______.

选项 A、many executives were arrested in the late 90s
B、many executives are not visionary enough for their companies
C、many executives’ strategies are ahead of their company’s needs
D、companies need to hire people who are more visionary

答案 C

解析 由题干中的Mark May’s words可以定位到原文第三段第二句“Many executives got caught up in the late 90s’ boom in the media industry and got ahead of themselves in strategic vision for their companies,”said Mark May.[精析] 联系原文,Mark May这句话的意思是“很多高级经理人都沉浸在90年代末媒体的繁荣时期里,因此给公司设计了过于超前的战略目标。这些公司恐怕还得等几年才需要一位有眼光的战略家,用到那样的超前战略”。由此可以推知C)“很多经理人的战略远远超越了公司的需求”与文意相符,为正确答案。[排除干扰] A)说“许多经理人在如年代晚期被捕”,原文并没有涉及;B)说“许多经理人对公司来说眼光不够长远”,这与原文相悖,原文说的是他们的策略太超前了;D)“公司需要雇佣一些非常有眼光的人”与原文“这些公司恐怕还得等几年才需要一位有眼光的战略家”含义相反,故排除。