According to the text, children who get autism may suffer from ______. [br] Acco

游客2023-08-01  11

问题 According to the text, children who get autism may suffer from ______. [br] According to experts, those governments are extremly foolish ff they refuse to support the intensive therapy to young children showing ______.


答案 early signs of a developmental disorder

解析 由题干中refuse to support the intensive therapy可定位到第八段首句Experts insist that governments are being penny-wise and pound-foolish in refusing to pony up for intensive therapy to infants and toddlers who show early signs of a developmental disorder.其中penny-wise and pound-foolishm, pony up, infants and toddlers分别与题干中extremely, support和young children对应。[精析] 此处要求填入名词性短语作showing的宾语。根据上下文意,题干中showing现在分词短语作定语修饰young children,因此该短语与原句中who引导的定语从句对应。据此可得答案。