1. 当今社会是一个讲信用的社会;2. 是否讲信用对个人在社会上的立足发展十分重要;3. 我该如何做起。

游客2023-08-01  7

问题 1. 当今社会是一个讲信用的社会;
2. 是否讲信用对个人在社会上的立足发展十分重要;
3. 我该如何做起。
                                                My View on Credit


答案                                                                     My View on Credit
   Credit has played an important role in the society. Currently, many people feel inseparable from credit cards, loan on credit and other items based on credit.
   Credit is one’s wealth and way to success. A man of credit can easily get help from others, for people like to make friends with the credible; on the other hand, an untrustworthy man is always helpless in the critical moment.
For us, we should realize the importance of credit and form a good habit to keep promise. For instance, if we have credit cards, paying debts on time should be borne in mind. Whenever we make a promise, we should keep it in mind and make efforts to achieve it. So long as we know the vitality of credit and perform our duty with it, we can be trustworthy.

解析    根据提纲,这篇作文可以分三个段落进行写作。
   第二段论述信用对个人的作用。这个段落的结构可以是一个主题句(topic sentence)加上一些支撑句(supporting sentence)。在作文中要论述某个事物的重要性时,我们可以用正面论述和反面论述相结合的方法,这样显得论述全面,思维缜密,逻辑清晰。