Which of the following is mentioned as a result of severe desertification? [br]

游客2023-07-31  7

问题 Which of the following is mentioned as a result of severe desertification? [br] The higher uses are criticized by the author because ______.

选项 A、both the world and America need the land for agricultural aims
B、they bring about a large amount of waste of resources
C、Americans do not need that many shopping centers and apartments
D、industrial parks and waste dumps are seriously polluting the environment

答案 A

解析 由题干中的the higher uses are criticized by the author定位到原文末段第二句For it comes at a time when we are losing over a million acres of rain-watered crop and pasture land per year to higher uses—shopping centres,industrial parks,housing development,and waste dump....[精析] 目的原因题[考频:24]。原文中在提higher uses之后解释了原因,说“这些更高用途全然不顾美国出口农产品的经济需要和世界对美国食品和织物的需要”,由此反过来可推知,世界和美国都需要那些土地用作农业生产。故A)为正确答案。[避错] 原文并没有提及大量的资源浪费,排除B),C)“美国人并不需要那么多的购物中心和住宅”在原文也没有提及;原文虽提及工业园区和垃圾场,但并未说他们对环境的影响如何,故排除D)“工业园区和垃圾场严重污染环境”。