Which of the following is mentioned as a result of severe desertification? [br]

游客2023-07-31  8

问题 Which of the following is mentioned as a result of severe desertification? [br] Which of the following is true about the existing federal government cost-share programs?

选项 A、It cost the farmers a lot of money.
B、Its main aim is to develop economy.
C、It is smaller compared to the dry land exploration.
D、It is very effective to the dry land exploration.

答案 C

解析 由题干中的the existing federal government cost-share programs定位到原文第三段末句The existing federal government cost-share programs designed to help finance the conservation as soil, water, and vegetation are pale in comparison to such incentives。[精析] 事实细节题[考频:51]。由该句“现有的联邦政府的成本分摊项目主要是为了从经济上帮助水土和植被的保护,然而这与前面提到的鼓励措施相比可就逊色多了”可以推知,政府在对干旱土地开发的力度远远高于对水土植被保护的力度。故C)正确。[避错] A)“花费农民大量钱财”在原文没有提及,可排除;由原文“主要是为了从经济上帮助水土和植被的保护”可以排除B)“其主要目的是发展经济”;由原文“主要是为了从经济上帮助水土和植被的保护”可知其目的并非为了开发干旱土地,故排除D)“对于旱土地的开发非常有效”。