Pauline Gross felt seared because she thought she would die of ______. [br] In A

游客2023-07-31  12

问题 Pauline Gross felt seared because she thought she would die of ______. [br] In August 2000, Stephanie Vogt learned she got the disease of ______.


答案 Huntington

解析 定位到第三个小标题下第三段第二、三、四句Stephanie Vogt knew Huntington ran in her family.... In August 2000, after comprehensive genetic counseling, Stephanie, her sister, Victoria, and their mother, Gayle Smith, learned her results: positive.[精析] 同义转述题[考频:22]。此处要填入表示疾病的名词性成分作介词of的宾语。由原文可知,检测的结果是阳性(positive),即她得了家族的遗传病(Huntington ran in her family),所以答案为Huntington。