Pauline Gross felt seared because she thought she would die of ______. [br] Many

游客2023-07-31  13

问题 Pauline Gross felt seared because she thought she would die of ______. [br] Many choose not to take the genetic testing because they worried that it will risk their ______.


答案 health insurance or job security

解析 定位到第三个小标题下第二段第二句Many are worried that genetic testing will put their health insurance or job security at risk.[精析] 同义转述题[考频:22]。此处需填入名词性成分与their搭配。从原文可知,很多人担心去参加基因检测后会使他们遭受歧视,以至于给他们的健康保险和工作带来不便。题干将原文的 risk结构改写为risk...,可知此处应填入health insurance or job security。