[audioFiles]audio_eufm_j01_330(200910)[/audioFiles]A、She wants to know who the

游客2023-07-31  11


选项 A、She wants to know who the students are.
B、She wants to meet the president.
C、She’s not eager to greet the president.
D、She’s sure she has met the president before.

答案 B

解析 [听力原文]
M: Gloria, have you met the new student body president yet?
W: No. I don’t think we’ve met before. Could you make an appointment for us this afternoon?
Q: What does Gloria mean?
[听前预测] 由选项中的wants to know, wants to meet,eager to greet等词可以推测,对话与“She”想与某人会面有关。
[答案详解] 语义推断题[考频:12]。本题关键词为“make an appointment for...”(给……安排会面)。男士问女士有没有见过新的学生会主席。女士说没有见过,并让男士下午给他们安排一次会面。故正确答案为B)。