[audioFiles]audio_eufm_j01_330(200910)[/audioFiles]A、Repair the other door.B、V

游客2023-07-31  12


选项 A、Repair the other door.
B、Visit some ruins.
C、Have an outdoor party.
D、Catch the Saturday train.

答案 C

解析 [听力原文]
M: The weather forecast says the rainy season is coming. If it rains on Saturday, the party will be ruined.
W: What does it matter? We can always hold it indoors.
Q: What are the man and woman hoping to do?
[听前预测] 四个选项均以动词原形开头,由此推测对话可能考查某种行为。
[答案详解] 推理判断题[考频:53]。本题关键词为“hold it indoors”(在室内举行)。女士说天气预报说雨季就要来了,如果周六下雨,聚会就被破坏了。男士说没关系,可以在室内举行。因此可知他们原本希望在室外举行party。故正确答案为C)。