The writer applied for the job because ______. [br] The writer thought he was ov

游客2023-07-31  6

问题 The writer applied for the job because ______. [br] The writer thought he was overqualified for the job because ______.

选项 A、he had written many poems
B、he often traveled underground
C、he had worked in an insurance company
D、he could deal with difficult situations

答案 D

解析 本题问“作身认为自己完全胜任这个工作原因是什么?”overqualified意为“知识或技能超过了某工作的需要,完全胜任”。第一段中提到作者认为自己是“cheerful, useful, a good man in a crisis.”。“a good man in a crisis。”意思是“在危急时刻能应付自如的人”。对担任保安来说,这样的素质是足足有余了。因此[D]“他能处理困难情况”正确。[B]“他经常坐地铁”。从文中只能得知他的住处离伦敦市中心很远,至于他是否经常坐地铁我们无法猜测。[C]“他过去曾就职于保险公司”。曾就职于保险公司的是作者的偶像Wallace Stevens,而不是作者本人。[A]“他曾经写过很多诗”。这与保安工作的要求不相干。