[audioFiles]audio_eufm_j01_295(200910)[/audioFiles]A、He enjoys writing home eve

游客2023-07-31  10


选项 A、He enjoys writing home every week.
B、He never fails to write home once a week now.
C、He doesn’t write home once a week now.
D、He has been asked to write home every week.

答案 C

解析 [听力原文]
W: How often do you write home? You’ve bought so many stamps and there is only one of them left.
M: I used to write home once a week. I have not bought any stamp for a long time.
Q: What can be inferred from the man’s answer?
[听前预测] 四个选项的主语均为He,结合选项中出现的write home,week等词,可推测本题与男士给家里写信的频率有关。
[答案详解] 语义理解题[考频:16]。女士问男士多久给家里写一次信(write home),他买了那么多邮票,只剩一张了。男士回答说他过去一周写一封(I used to write home once a week),现在很久没买邮票了,可知他现在不是一周写一封了。故正确答案为C)。