1.有人认为出国留学是个人发展的最佳选择; 2.也有人坚持在国内也能实现自已的理想; 3. 我的看法。

游客2023-07-31  14

问题 1.有人认为出国留学是个人发展的最佳选择;
   3. 我的看法。
                                        On Overseas Study


答案                                           On Overseas Study
   With the development of reform and the opening-up of our country, more and more students are dreaming of overseas study. They believe there are many advantages in studying abroad. Students may have immediate contact with different cultures and may thus widen their vision. They may also have a better environment for learning foreign languages.
   Nevertheless, some people believe that studying in homeland is still a better choice. Students studying in homeland will not suffer loneliness and homesickness. They can communicate with each other freely and do not have language or culture barriers. Moreover, studying in homeland costs much less money.
   In my opinion, both sides have advantages as well as disadvantages. It is up to ourselves to make the decision which best suits us. After all, if we do not study hard, we will fail no matter where we study.

解析 这次考试的写作题属于常见的三段式作文。
[提纲] On Overseas Study
1) Dream of overseas study
  a. Many people’s dream
  b. Good aspects of studying abroad
2) Advantages of studying in homeland
  a. Not suffer from loneliness and homesickness
  b. No language or culture barriers
  c. Less money
3) My opinion
  a. Decision that best suits us
  b. Study hard anyway