When Laurie Aronson was over 35, she did not feel worried because she was unwill

游客2023-07-31  13

问题 When Laurie Aronson was over 35, she did not feel worried because she was unwilling to get married. [br] In 1960, there are more than 50% of all women that would get married before their 20s.

选项 A、Y

答案 B

解析 定位到第四段中间部分And these days, about half of all women get married by their 20s, as they did in 1960. At least 14 percent of women born...[精析] 信息明示题[考频:5]。从原文可知,现在大约有50%的女性会在30岁之前结婚,这与1960的情况是一样的。说明1960年大约有50%的女性会在30岁之前结婚,而题干说的是超过50%(more than 50%),与原文不符。