The purpose of improving the education quality is to create an environment in wh

游客2023-07-31  14

问题 The purpose of improving the education quality is to create an environment in which people may achieve further success. [br] To meet the challenge of reforming the education system, we need to take measures to train teachers and adopt better teaching methods.

选项 A、Y

答案 A

解析 由题干中的the challenge of reforming the education system可定位到Current challenges小标题下第四段:Reforming the education system...We must try every means to improve the quality of teachers, reform teaching methods and create better school environments.[精析] 事实细节处设题。第四段第二句指出了进行教育体制改革的三种方法:improve the quality of teachers, reform teaching methods and create better school environments。题干表述中提到了其中的两点,另外题干中的 take measures to do是对原文中的try every means to do的同义转述。所以,题干的表述是正确的。