[originaltext]W: Wasn’t Carl supposed to give a speech tonight?M: Yes, but he

游客2023-07-31  15

W: Wasn’t Carl supposed to give a speech tonight?
M: Yes, but he backed out at the last minute.
Q: What do we learn about Carl?

选项 A、He’ll be speaking at the end of the meeting.
B、He was supposed to speak last night instead.
C、He suddenly decided not to speak.
D、He already spoke very briefly tonight.

答案 C

解析 信息明示题, 女士认为卡尔今晚要发表讲活,男士说卡尔最后决定不讲了,所以C正确, 对话中的关键短语是back out(停止不干), 考点 be supposed to do sth.意为“应该、被期望或被要求做某事”,如:You’re supposed to pay the bill by Friday.你最晚得在周五结清这笔账,back out意为“中途退出,在完成之前从(某项计划或事业)中退出”,如:You promised to help—you mustn’t back out now.你答应过要帮忙的,你现在不应该食言