A、Certain things cannot be learned from books.B、Choice of where to live varies

游客2023-07-31  12


选项 A、Certain things cannot be learned from books.
B、Choice of where to live varies from person to person.
C、Foreign students had better live on campus.
D、British families usually welcome foreign students.

答案 A

解析 综合推断题,弗朗西斯博土以Ali为例来说明上文提到的观点I think learning from society is a valuable experience.由此推断,他认为从社会中可以学到从书本上学不到的东西,所以A正确,考点 in a sense意为“在某种意义上”,如:What you say is true in a sense.你说的话在某种意义上属实,注意不要和in one’s senses(头脑健全,神志清醒)相混淆,alternative指“(两种或以上的东西中)可用来代替另一个的;另外的”,如:One of the alternatives open to you is to resign.你的选择之一是辞职