What is the current trend in higher education discussed in the passage? [br] Wha

游客2023-07-30  18

问题 What is the current trend in higher education discussed in the passage? [br] What is the chief consideration of American universities when hiring top-level administrator?

选项 A、Their political correctness.
B、Their ability to raise funds.
C、Their fame in academic circles.
D、Their administrative experience.

答案 B

解析 细节题。根据题干定位到文章第三段第四、五句:The board ultimately picked Bruce Benson,a 69-year-old Colorado businessman and political activist who is likely to do well in the main task of modern university presidents:fund-raising.Fund-raising is a distinctively American thing,since U.S. schools rely heavily on donations.(董事会最终选择了Bruce Benson,69岁的科罗拉多商人和政治活动家,他很有可能完成现代大学校长的主要任务:集资。集资明显是一项具有美国特色的事情,因为美国学校非常依赖捐款)。选项A、C、D文中未均直接提及。