[originaltext]W: There is the seat by the window.M: Yes, but it’s right over a

游客2023-07-30  17

W: There is the seat by the window.
M: Yes, but it’s right over a wing. We wouldn’t be able to see anything.
Q: What will they probably do?
M: How is your father, Mary? The last time I came to see you, you ware about to take him to the hospital.
W: He came home last week. The operation was very successful. The doctor said he’d almost recovered and could get back to work next week.
Q: What did the woman say about her father?

选项 A、He is still being treated in the hospital.
B、He’ll rest home for another two weeks.
C、He has had an operation.
D、He returned to work last week.

答案 C

解析 女士陈述说,她的爸爸手术非常成功,医生说几乎全部恢复,而且下周就可以工作,所以C项‘他了一个手术”是正确选择。