[originaltext]W: There is the seat by the window.M: Yes, but it’s right over a

游客2023-07-30  15

W: There is the seat by the window.
M: Yes, but it’s right over a wing. We wouldn’t be able to see anything.
Q: What will they probably do?
M: Good morning, Mrs. White. What can I do for you?
W: Could you please look at my watch? It sometimes gains and sometimes loses.
Q: What does the woman want to do?

选项 A、To sell her watch.
B、To have her watch checked.
C、To buy a new watch.
D、To look for her watch.

答案 B

解析 B根据女士说,能否帮忙检查手表,有时候走得快(gain),有时候走得慢(lose),可以判断,B项“检查她的手表”是正确的选择。