[originaltext]W: The Italian opera to be performed by College of Music faculty

游客2023-07-29  12

W: The Italian opera to be performed by College of Music faculty and students on Saturday has been cancelled due to lack of interest.
M: What do you mean?
Q: What can we conclude about the opera?
W: How much are the theater tickets?
M: They are twenty dollars each for the general public, but student tickets are half price?
Q: How much will the woman pay for one general ticket and two student tickets?

选项 A、The woman will pay 30 dollars.
B、The woman will pay 40 dollars.
C、The woman will pay 50 dollars.
D、The woman will pay 60 dollars.

答案 B

解析 对话中讲到,普通票一张是20美元,学生票半价。稍加计算即可得知,买一张普通票和两张学生票应付40美元。