When a drug is one that should be used only under a doctor’s supervision, th

游客2023-07-29  4

问题     When a drug is one that should be used only under a doctor’s supervision, the law requires that it be sold only by prescription (处方). Special tests or instructions may be needed. Drugs for serious diseases may require a prescription to insure safe and correct use.
    A prescription is as personal as your name. It is designed for you alone. It is based on such factors as your age, weight, general health, allergies (过敏症), and other factors, as well as your illness.
    Never take a prescription drug meant for another person, even if you think you have the same illness. Prescriptions aren’t supposed to be traded around the family or neighborhood. Each prescription is intended for an individual. It is a violation of federal law to sell a prescription drug without a prescription.
    Doctors and dentists are licensed by each state to prescribe drugs for human use. Doctors for veterinary (兽医的) medicine are licensed to prescribe drugs for animal use.
    A licensed medical doctor must pass all examination m practice medicine in a certain state. Before doing this, he or she has probably completed at least two years of a premedical course, a four-year medical course, two years of internship (实习) or residency in a hospital, and perhaps an extra year or more of training in a specialty -- altogether at least eight years of medical training, possibly nine.
    Don’t take prescriptions written for you during a previous illness without first checking with your doctor. Your illness may not be the same as the previous one, even though you think it is. Also the drug may have lost strength. Only a doctor is qualified to advise you about continuing to take a medicine. [br] If you have got the same illness as someone else, you may ______.

选项 A、ask him or her to share the drug with you
B、buy the same medicine from a licensed drug store
C、take the medicine the doctor prescribed for you only
D、have the same medicine as you took for your previous disease

答案 C

解析 此题问如果你得了与他人相同的疾病,你该怎样做。根据第三段第一句“Never take a prescription drug meant for another person,even if you think you have the same illness.”C项是答案。A、B、D项都与文章的内容相反。