[originaltext]W: You know, I want to have the car port made into a play room. A

游客2023-07-29  13

W: You know, I want to have the car port made into a play room. After all, the children need a better place to play.
M: But what about the cars? If they stand outside uncovered they’ll dust and they’ll need washing a lot. Besides that it would be expensive. I’m not for it.
Q: What is the problem with regard to the car port?
W: Don’t you think you ought to practice your speech a little before you go?
M: No, I’m not worried. I can think on my feet.
Q: Why is the man not worried?

选项 A、He can talk without preparing.
B、He can speak standing up.
C、He likes to talk without thinking.
D、He talks with his toes.

答案 A
