It is the firm belief of astronomers【C1】______there are living creatures on

游客2023-07-28  8

问题     It is the firm belief of astronomers【C1】______there are living creatures on other planets. It is also their ear- nest wish that some day【C2】______may be made with such living creatures【C3】______sending messages in the form of radio signals. The【C4】______of communicating with people on other planets may one day come【C5】______since radio telescopes【C6】______.
    Scientific project of various kinds are now being launched to【C7】______signals or to receive signals from distant planets.      The question now【C8】______: What sort of message【C9】______so that it could be understood? To send a message in any language would be impractical【C10】______it would【C11】______not be intelligible.
It is the opinion of scientists that a signal in the【C12】______of a simple arithmetic sequence might be understood.
    Scientists think that pictures might also be understood, so it【C13】______a good idea to send pictures of the people【C14】______our planet. Pictures of domestic animals together with【C15】______crops we【C16】______for our food might also be【C17】______. Pictures of houses and buildings might【C18】______further information about our life and society.
    As time goes on, TV pictures might be sent, which would【C19】______acquaint the beings on other planets【C20】______life and the level of civilization on our planet. [br] 【C12】

选项 A、kind

答案 C

解析 此题为词汇辨析题。此处文义为:科学家认为以简单的数学形式发射的信号可能会易懂。A) kind 表示种类,其确切含义为“A group of individuals linked by traits held in common.(同种,同类因具有共同的特性而联系在一起的个体的集合。)”,而不是表示形式。B) type 的意思是“A number of people or things having in common trails or characteristics that distinguish them as a group or class.(类型一定数量的人或事物,具有把他们与一个集体或种类区分开的共同特征或特点。)”,也是表种类,而非形式。C) form 的意思是“The mode in which a thing exists,acts,or manifests itself.(形式,某物存在、运作、显现的方式。)”,例如:a form of animal life (动物的生活方式);a form of blackmail (恐吓的方式)。符合上下文,为正确答案。D) category 的含义是“A specifically defined division in a system of classification;a class.(种类在某一分类系统中特别定义的部分;类别。)”,也是表类别,而非形式。