The Seattle Times Company is one newspaper firm that hasrecognized the need

游客2023-07-28  9

问题     The Seattle Times Company is one newspaper firm that has
recognized the need for change and done something about it. In the
newspaper  industry,  papers  must  reflect  the  diversity  of  the
communities to which they provide information.  It must reflect that           【M1】______
diversity with their news coverage or risk losing their readers’ interest
and their advertisers’ support.
    Operating within Seattle, which has 20 percents racial minorities,         【M2】______
the paper has put into place policies and procedures for hiring and
maintain a diverse work force. The underlying reason for the change is         【M3】______
that for information to be fair, appropriate, and subjective, it should be     【M4】______
reported by the same kind of population that reads it.
    A diversity  committee composed of reporters,  editors,  and
photographers meets regularly to value the Seattle Times content and to        【M5】______
educate the rest of the newsroom staff about diversity issues. In an           【M6】______
addition, the paper instituted a content audit (审查) that evaluates the
frequency and manner of representation of woman and people of color in         【M7】______
    Early  audits  showed  that  minorities  were  pictured far  too
infrequently and were pictured with a disproportionate number of
negative articles. The audit results from improvement in the frequency of
majority representation and their portrayal in neutral or positive situations. 【M8】______
And, with a result, the Seattle Times has improved as a newspaper.             【M9】______
    The diversity training and content audits helped the Seattle Times         【M10】______
Company to win the Personnel Journal Optimal Award for excellence in
managing change. [br] 【M3】


答案 maintain 改为 maintaining

解析 该行的maintain是和前面的hiring并列的,所以语法形式也要是一致的,它也应当和hiring一样用现在分词形式,放在for后面。故将maintain改为maintaining。