Learning does not happen passively. It is an activity which a person does.I

游客2023-07-28  14

问题     Learning does not happen passively. It is an activity which a person does.
It is a task which can be attempted in various of ways, some of which are      【M1】 ______         more appropriate than others. When the material to be learned is               【M2】 ______
a brief and simple kind which is familiar with the person and of intense       【M3】 ______
interest to him, effective learning usually proceeds automatically.
In the first place, the person at once relates the material to other
material which has already securely learned. Subsequently, the relevance      【M4】 ______
of the newly learned material to his interests assures its being              【M5】 ______
recalled on many occasions; and one repetition minimizes                      【M6】 ______
the likelihood of remembering. Furthermore, the subsequent use                【M7】 ______
of the new material is likely to take place in a variety of contexts
and, so, the material becomes related to a narrower range of other material.  【M8】 ______
Because of all this, the material is rapidly learned, long retained,
and recalled with increasingly readiness in a variety of                      【M9】 ______
contexts. Without really trying, the person had fulfilled a                   【M10】 ______
few important conditions of effective learning. [br] 【M6】


答案 one改成this/the

解析 这里是特指,“这个重复”指上文中新学习的材料与其他已经学习的材料以及个人兴趣的联系,也就是材料被学会之后被“重复”地使用。