[originaltext]M: Mrs. Smith, thanks very much for coming to the station. Could

游客2023-07-28  19

M: Mrs. Smith, thanks very much for coming to the station. Could you describe the man who robbed the bank this morning?
W: Well, I can only remember that the man was tall and he had dark hair.
Q: What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?
M: This journal is quite interesting. How much does it cost?
W: I don’t know exactly because I have subscribed to it. Though each issue comes a few days later by mail, it costs about 25 percent less overall.
Q: Why did the woman subscribe to the journal?

选项 A、Because it comes by mail.
B、Because it arrives a few days earlier.
C、Because it is much cheaper.
D、Because it is inconvenient to buy one from the bookstore.

答案 C
