The environment of the chemical age stretch beyond the authority of any exis

游客2023-07-28  16

问题     The environment of the chemical age stretch beyond the authority of any existing political and social institutions. Matters of the global environment now warrant the kind of high-level attention that the global economy receives. World leaders historically have cooperated to preserve economic stability, even to the point of completely overhauling the international monetary system at the 1944 conference in Bretton Woods. They periodically hold summit meetings on international economic problems. Policy-makers carefully track economic indicators to determine when adjustments--national or international-are required. The record on environmental cooperation is not nearly so favorable. Now in the new millennia, similar efforts are needed for the global environment, including the defining and tracking of environmental indicators, along with mechanisms for making prompt adjustments when the environment is threatened.
    The future of our planet is dependent upon our efforts to simultaneously arrest the carbon dioxide buildup, protect the ozone layer, restore forests, boost energy efficiency, and further develop renewable energy sources. No generation has ever faced such a complex set of issues requiring immediate attention. Preceding generations have always been concerned about the future. But we are the first to be faced with decisions that will determine whether the Earth our children will inherit will be habitable. [br] Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?

选项 A、World leaders must give high-level attention to global environmental problem.
B、The future of the planet is dependent on international economic cooperation.
C、Preceding generations were overly concerned with economic problems.
D、Existing political and social institutions can solve current environmental concerns.

答案 A

解析 主旨题。本文主旨在于引起世界各国首脑对环境保护的重视,加强环境保护上的合作。