In the past, it was believed that depression(抑郁症) was more prevalent among t

游客2023-07-27  10

问题     In the past, it was believed that depression(抑郁症) was more prevalent among the poorer and less educated people, but that is not the case. The truth is, depression can afflict people from all walks of life, and often it hits the most ambitious, creative and conscientious. It is wrong to think that people on the corporate position of the social ladder are not prone(易于......的) to this disease. In fact, executives and professionals who are burdened with mounting pressures in their work may obsessed with all these pressures and become depressed. The suicide of Vincent Foster, a noted American lawyer and White House official is a case in point. Despite the honor of his position, which many people thought admirable, he felt overburdened with pressures and decided to take the easy way out.
    Studies show that people born later in this century have experienced much more depression than those born earlier. In fact the rate of depression over the last two generations has increased tenfold. Experts theorize that it could be due to the fact that the younger generations have higher expectations from life and are therefore more likely to suffer from failure, disappointment and hence, depression.
    Depression is easily recognizable. The depressed person feels sad or down in the dumps, and loses interest in even the most pleasurable activities. Moreover, he suffers from either significant gain or loss of weight, sleeplessness or over sleeping, sluggish movement and thinking, fatigue, feelings of guilt and worthlessness, impaired concentration and forgetfulness, and in extreme cases, the afflicted person may have suicidal tendencies. It is often believed that depression runs in the family, but this is not conclusively so, since there are eases where depressed persons do not have a history of depression in their families. Depression is often work-related although at times it has its roots in family relations.
    People who suffer from depression need not stay in the closet, since it is not a sin or a shame to be depressed. A prompt visit to a psychologist means prompt treatment and hence prompt recovery. Experts guarantee that depression is easily treatable, and in nip-in-the-bud eases, the patient fully recovers in a few days, thanks to the variety of effective treatment available. [br] Depression can be easily cured ______.

选项 A、if the patient is young
B、at the early stage of the disease
C、when plants are in bud
D、ff the patient goes to see a psychologist

答案 B

解析 参考文章最后一段。文中提到“nip-in-the-bud case”即治疗及时的病例,患者就能在几天内康复。该短语的原义为“扼杀在萌芽状态”,也就是早期治疗的意思,所以正确答案为B项。