Food which is kept too long decays because it is attacked by yeasts (酵母菌), m

游客2023-07-27  19

问题     Food which is kept too long decays because it is attacked by yeasts (酵母菌), moulds (霉) and bacteria (细菌). The canning process, however, seals the product in a container so that no infection can reach it, and then it is sterilized (消毒) by heat. Heat sterilization destroys all infectious present in food inside the can. No chemical preservatives are necessary, and properly canned food does not deteriorate during storage.
    Today vegetables, fish, fruit, meat and beer are canned in enormous quantifies. Foods that were previously seasonal may now be eaten at any time, and strange foods are available far from the countries where they are grown. The profitable crops many farmers now produce often depend on the proximity (邻近) of a canning factory.
    The first stage in the canning process is the preparation of the raw food. Diseased and waste portions  are thrown away; meat and fish are cleaned and trimmed; fruit and vegetables washed and graded for size. The jobs are principally done by machine
    The next stage, for vegetables only, is blanching. This is immersion (浸洗) in very hot or boiling  water for a short time to remove air and soften the vegetable. This makes it easier to pack into cans for sterilization. Some packing machines fill up to 400 cans a minute. Fruit, fish and meat are packed mw and cold into cans, and then all the air is removed. When the cans are sealed, the pressure inside each can is only about half the pressure of the outside air. This is "vacuum" packing.
    During the sterilization process which follows, the cans are subjected to steam or boiling water, with the temperature and duration varying according to the type of food. Cans of fruit, for example, take only 5-10 minutes in boiling water, while meat and fish are cooked at higher temperature for longer periods. After sterilization, the cans are cooled quickly to 32℃, to prevent the contents from becoming too soft.
    The final stage before dispatch to the wholesale or retail grocer is labeling, and packing the tins into boxes. Nowadays, however, labeling is often printed on in advance by the can maker and no paper  labels are then required. [br] This passage mainly deals with ______.

选项 A、food storage
B、advantages of canned food
C、the art of canning
D、canning food

答案 C

解析 本题主要是对中心大意的归纳。文章主要是介绍食物装罐的工艺,重点在技术上。A项“食物储存”只在文中提到过,但并非中心。B项“罐装食品的优点”,在文章中也未大篇幅地介绍其优点。D项“罐装食物”,本文重点在介绍罐装食品工艺并未介绍罐装食物的具体内容。所以C项“食品装罐的工艺”是最合适的答案。