[originaltext]M: I’ve heard that the new physics class is really difficult.W:

游客2023-07-25  13

M: I’ve heard that the new physics class is really difficult.
W: Oh,I wouldn’t say that. I took physics 402 last quarter,and I think the course went very smoothly.
Q: What does the woman mean?
M: I’m the only one in class who didn’t sign up for the trip.Walking through a rain forest can’t get fun.
W: Maybe you are right,but I’ve got the feeling your classmates will come back knowing some things you won’t know.
Q: What does the woman imply?

选项 A、She has been on the trip herself and enjoyed it.
B、She wouldn’t consider going on the trip.
C、She thinks the class is too advanced for the man.
D、She thinks there’s a good reason to go on the trip.

答案 D

解析 女士说“但是我觉得你的同学们回来后一定会有很多你不知道的见闻”,言下之意就是女士认为男士的同学参加雨林之旅不无道理,所以答案为D。