[originaltext]M: I’ve heard that the new physics class is really difficult.W:

游客2023-07-25  16

M: I’ve heard that the new physics class is really difficult.
W: Oh,I wouldn’t say that. I took physics 402 last quarter,and I think the course went very smoothly.
Q: What does the woman mean?
M: I would really like to know why Mary is always so unfriendly to me.
W: Did you ever think of just talking to her face to face?
Q: What does the woman try to say to the man?

选项 A、He should make an apology to Mary.
B、He may talk to Mary directly.
C、He should excuse Mary’s behavior.
D、He shouldn’t always pull a long face.

答案 B

解析 女士问男士是否想过找Mary当面谈,即建议男士去跟Mary直接交流。B中talk…directly与对话中talk, face to face同义,故B正确。