[originaltext]W: The museum exhibit that our professor recommended just closed.

游客2023-07-25  10

W: The museum exhibit that our professor recommended just closed.
M: Oh. I was really looking forward to seeing it.
Q: What does the man mean?
M: I’ve heard that you like music a lot. Do you like rock and roll?
W: I like music but I do not like noise.
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、The woman does not like the loud music.
B、The woman does not like music.
C、The woman has the same taste with the man.
D、The woman used to like music.

答案 A

解析 弦外之音题。男土听说女士爱听音乐,询问她对rock and roll(摇滚乐)的态度。女士的回答应是喜欢或不喜欢,她却说她不喜欢噪音,暗含的意思是不喜欢声音大的音乐。故选A。