What kind of hobbies does the woman like best? [originaltext]W: Andy,what hobby

游客2023-07-25  26

问题 What kind of hobbies does the woman like best?
W: Andy,what hobby would you take up if you had more time?
M: I think I’d take up two different hobbies-an indoor hobby and an outdoor hobby.
W: Really?Why?
M: An outdoor hobby,like motor-racing,for a bit of flesh air and excitement;and an indoor hobby,like radio making for example,for quiet concentration.What about you?
W: I like indoor hobbies best.As you know,I like making decorations,toys and so on,but I’m also quite fond of knitting and I’ve made quite a lot of sweaters and the like for the family.
M: Yes.I’ve seen some of the things you’ve made.They’re very fashionable.How long have you been doing it?
W: I started years ago when I was still at school.
M: Did you spend all your free time on your hobbies?
W: Well no.As a working mother there are many other matters I’ve got to attend to.but I do spend quite a lot of time on my hobbies.
M: What about money?Do your hobbies cost you a lot of money?
W: No,once you’ve bought the basic tools most hobbies are comparatively cheap.
M: By the way.how did you learn to do all these handy things?Did you ever attend a special course?
W: I did once,but most of it I’ve picked up from books.There are dozens of books on hobbies in the bookshops.
M: Ah well.Perhaps I should take up my coin collection again.
W: Yes,why not?You might even become an authority on old coins,Andy!

选项 A、Outdoor hobbies.
B、Indoor hobbies.
C、Money-saving hobbies.
D、Time-consuming hobbies.

答案 B

解析 男士问女士的爱好,女士回答说最喜欢indoor hobbies,故选B。