[originaltext]M: Someone just called asking for Margaret.W: Didn’t the person

游客2023-07-25  17

M: Someone just called asking for Margaret.
W: Didn’t the person leave any message?
Q: What does the woman want to know?
M: I think I’ve got this experiment set up right now.
W: You only think it’s right? In chemistry, you’ve got to be sure.
Q: What does the woman imply?

选项 A、She is a chemist and has to do lots of experiments.
B、He must be extremely careful.
C、He is very careless during the experiment.
D、She doesn’t think the man is right.

答案 B

解析 对话中,男士认为这个实验没有问题了,而女士则说“你只是想它没问题”,并接着说在化学这门学科里,应该绝对正确才行。女士回答还用了一句疑问句加强语气,言外之意是对男士的表现不满意,认为在诸如化学的科学里,我们不能有一丝含糊,要绝对确定才行,故可推测出正确答案。set up意思为“安装(设备、仪器)”,要注意多义词或词组在不同语境中的意思。