For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Englis

游客2023-07-25  14

问题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled English Corners. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given bellow:
    1. 英语角在大学里很普遍
                    English Corners


答案     English corners are occasions where English teachers and English learners can talk with each other in English on some topics.  Now, nearly every college provides students with such opportunities to practice speaking English.
    Needless to say, English comers are helpful to English study. First, by talking with other people, one can improve his or her oral English, especially when with native English speakers. Also, taking part in English comers may develop one’s interest in English. Confidence in speaking may build up confidence in writing and listening. More importantly, participating in English corners is a way to find one’s mistakes in speaking English, and fortunately, most of the mistakes are often corrected just on the comers.
    In order to make good use of English comers, one should take into consideration the following suggestions. What is most important is speaking only English from the very beginning to the end. Another is speaking actively yet modestly.

解析     用词亮点:(1) 在第二段首句中,Needless to say意思为“不用说”,相当于No doubt,Undoubtedly等。(2) 第二段第三句中,develop意思为“培养”,类似的词有foster,cultivate等。
    句式亮点:(1) 第二段尾句中and fortunately意思为“值得庆幸的是”,用于追加正面内容。(2) 第三段首句中使用了“In order to…one should”的结构,用于提出建议;此外,“What is most important is…”用于说明某事物的重要性。
    篇章亮点:(1) 第一段首句利用下定义的方法引出话题。(2) 第一段第二句中的Now引出现象。(3) 第二段首句之后使用了“First,…Also,…More importantly,…”表示列举的结构。(4) 第三段尾句中Another表示追加列举。