For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Studyi

游客2023-07-25  12

问题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Studying Abroad.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.
              Studying Abroad


答案                  Studying Abroad
    ①Struggling to enter a good university and graduating with a bachelor degree used to be a big event in young people’s life. ②But nowadays, they are not confined to aim at the universities within China. More and more universities abroad have opened their doors to Chinese students.
    ③As a college student myself, I feel blessed with such opportunities. ④In addition to the advanced facilities and prestigious professors, different teaching methods, various cultures and the communication with people from different parts of the world can be very valuable experience that will benefit us a lot in the future.
    ⑤After the graduation,  people with the advanced knowledge and newly-acquired skills can serve our country better. With the understanding and appreciation of other cultures, they will build up bridges and develop good communication between China and world. ⑥In short, studying abroad is beneficial both to the young people and to the country.

解析     ①审题及布局。本文是一篇论说文【考频:10】。这篇提纲式作文要求学生首先对题目所提出的现象进行描述,然后表明自己的观点,即对这种现象是持赞同还是反对的意见,并说明自己的理由。写作时切忌模棱两可的话语,要做到观点清晰,表述清楚,论据充分。在布局上,按照提纲的要求展开即可。第一段简单叙述越来越多的年轻人选拜出国留学这一现象,也可以稍微提及导致这种现象的原因;第二段给出自己的观点并说明原因;第三段可以作为扩展,再次以更加有力的论据声明自己的观点,或是作为总结,重申自己的观点。②语言。语言风格要比较严肃,但并不要死板,可以通过句式的变化、用词的多样来增添文章的可读性。就时态而言,因为多为讲述事实和观点,以一般现在时和一般将来时为主即可。
    ②与第一句响应,点明提纲内容。“现在,年轻人不再局限于选择国内的学校了”。be confined to“局限于”。
    ③用第一人称,通过个人的感受表明了自己的观点。be blessed with“幸运地享有”。
    ④虽然只是一句话,但却涵盖了出国留学的主要好处,这样的长句是高分表达。in addition to“除……之外”。
    ⑥最后一句给出最终结论。in short“总之”,be beneficial to“对……有益”。