[originaltext]W:Hi,Bill.Have you been playing much football lately?M:I play as

游客2023-07-24  18

W:Hi,Bill.Have you been playing much football lately?
M:I play as often as I can get out of the classroom.And the game is my way to be somebody.It’s my life,you know?
Q:What does Bill tell the woman?
W: I met David the other day in New York He doesn’t know when he is leaving the country.
M: oh, he knows now. He called me yesterday and said that he is leaving for Iraq next week
Q: What do we learn from this conversation?

选项 A、David is going to fly to New York.
B、David will stay in New York.
C、David went to Iraq the other day.
D、David is going to leave for Iraq next week.

答案 D

解析 题目问我们能从对话中获得什么信息。女士说她前几天在纽约遇到David,他自己也不知道何时离开美国。男士说现在David知道了,因为David昨天给他打电话并告诉他下周去伊拉克。可见D正确。