[originaltext]W: Would you like to join us for a ride around the harbor?M: Wha

游客2023-07-24  15

W: Would you like to join us for a ride around the harbor?
M: What a pleasant way to spend a hot day!
Q: What does the man imply?

选项 A、He’d like to come along.
B、He knows his way around the harbor.
C、The warm weather is quite pleasant.
D、The ride will take all day.

答案 A

解析 女士询问男士是否愿意一起到海边兜风,男士的回答应该与此相关,或答应或拒绝。男士回答中出现了pleasant“令人愉快的”一词,说明男士要跟着一起去。B)是针对harbor设置的干扰项;C)是对 pleasant设置的干扰项;D)是针对ride和a day设置的干扰项,均是对对话内容的曲解。