[originaltext]W: It’s good to see you again. What are you doing these days? You

游客2023-07-24  11

W: It’s good to see you again. What are you doing these days? You’re still working at the same place, aren’t you?
M: Yes, I am. And I’m counting the days until retirement.
Q: What can we learn about the man?
W: How do you usually spend your weekend?
M: In the summer, I usually sit in the park. In the autumn, I go for long walks. At other times of the year, I like to do odd jobs around the house or paint.
Q: What do you learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The man sits in the park in spring at weekend.
B、The man does some odd jobs in autumn at weekend.
C、The man goes for long walks in autumn at weekend.
D、The man likes to paint his house in summer at weekend.

答案 C

解析 女士问男士怎样度过周末。男士回答秋天的时候会去散步,所以选择C)。男士夏天的时候会坐在公园里,所以排除A)和D);男士会在其他的时间里(春天或冬天),在房子的周围做一些零活或是画画,所以排除B)。