About six thousand languages are spoken in the world today. But experts【S1】_

游客2023-07-24  12

问题     About six thousand languages are spoken in the world today. But experts【S1】______that more than half of them are in danger of disappearing. The【S2】______languages are spoken by some older members of native groups, but not used for everyday life by younger members. As the【S3】______people die, the language dies with them.
    Until recently, most people were not worried about the loss of languages. There was much mote【S4】______about the loss of different kinds of plants and animals. Now, scientists, cultural experts and many other people are concerned about【S5】______the different languages in the world. They know that when a language is lost, the culture and much of the knowledge of the【S6】______community may be lost with it.
    Languages are the means by which people seek to explain the world they live in. Information about the【S7】______world, such as plants that can be used to heal, often is lost when the language dies. Some experts say the【S8】______of any language is a loss for everyone, not just for the native people who once spoke it.
    Experts are trying many methods to increase speakers of endangered languages. Some【S9】______are small. For example, a language speaker and a learner meet every day for an hour to talk. Other projects are large, such as schools where students are【S10】______only in their native language.

    A)concern                                            I)taught
    B)young                                              J)protecting
    C)endangered                                         K)estimate
    D)confirm                                            L)holding
    E)old                                                M)projects
    F)regulation                                         N)native
    G)natural                                            O)foreign
    H)death [br] 【S5】


答案 J

解析 此题乍一看上去,似乎不缺什么成分。因为从语法上about后可以直接加看似宾语的the different languages,实际上这正是此题的干扰处。除了名词外,还有动名词,它不但可以作宾语还可以在后面带自己的宾语。在本题中就是如此设置的,这样一看适合的备选项只有J)和L),那么,hold虽有“保持”的意思,但英语中的意思与汉语意思绝不相同。同学们不可生搬硬套地单凭翻译意而随便使用英语的词汇。通过上下文语义可知protecting合适。