[originaltext]W: Hello there. How are you doing?M: Fine so far, but my cars fe

游客2023-07-23  23

W: Hello there. How are you doing?
M: Fine so far, but my cars feel a little funny.
W: That’s the air pressure. You’ll get used to it in a little while.
M: Can I unfasten my seat belt now?
W: As soon as the light ’above your seat goes off, then you can get up and walk around.
M: Will there be a movie?
W: Yes, but not until after we have served dinner.
M: Will that be soon?
W: Yes, right away. You must be hungry.
M: Not very, but I would like a drink, please.
W: I’ll bring you one. Would you like a coke, beer or wine?
M: Just water, please.
W: Would you like to see a magazine?
M: Yes, I like to look at Newsweek please and could you tell me where to find the restroom?
W: It’s right to the back of the plane.
M: I’m grateful for your help.
W: It’s my pleasure.

选项 A、When the light above the seat goes off.
B、When the bell above the seat rings;
C、When the speaker above the seat sounds.
D、when the stewardess informs him.

答案 A

解析 事实细节题。对话中,女士告诉男士当座位上方的灯熄灭时就可以解开安全带,站起来走动了。