[originaltext]W: What’s the problem, Paul? You really look panicked.M: I am sp

游客2023-07-23  13

W: What’s the problem, Paul? You really look panicked.
M: I am speaking to a group of high school students about engineering this afternoon. But I have no idea how I am going to simplify some of the concepts for them.
Q: What can be inferred about the man?
W: I can’t seem to leave my apartment on Monday morning without leaving something behind.
M: You know I’m just like you. Except for me, it’s al- ways on Friday.
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、He is always late on Friday.
B、He is most forgetful on Friday.
C、He is always behind on his work on Friday.
D、He prefers Friday mornings to; Monday mornings.

答案 B

解析 事实状况题。解答此题的关键是从对两人的对比(just like you,Except for me,it’s always on Friday)中推导出其中一人的特点 (most forgetful on Friday)。