The basic flag of the United States is one of the world’ s oldest national f

游客2023-07-23  13

问题     The basic flag of the United States is one of the world’ s oldest national flags. Only the basic flags of Austria, Denmark, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland are older. During the discovery and settlement of what is now the United States the flags of various European nations were flown over the land, as symbols of possession. Later, in the colonial and Revolutionary War periods, flags representing famous persons, places, and events were flown in the American Colonies.
    The first official flag of the United States was created by Congress on June 14, 1777. It consisted of 13 alternate red and white stripes and 13 white stars in a field of blue, representing the 13 colonies that had declared their independence in 1776. Congress adopted a new flag of 15 stars and 15 stripes in 1795, to give representation to the two new states admitted into the Union, Vermont and Kentucky.
    By 1817, there were 20 states in the Union, and it became apparent that adding one stripe for each new state would destroy the shape of the flag. As a result, Congress in 1818 restored the original design of 13 stripes and provided that each state was to be represented by one star. In 1912 President William H. Taft made the first official provision for the arrangement of the stars. He ordered that there be six even rows of eight stars each. Previously the arrangement of the stars had been left to the flag maker’s desire. The evolution of the stars and stripes reflects the growth of the United States. After the admission of Hawaii into the Union in 1959, the flag was officially changed for the 26th time since its creation.
    There are many government flags flown in the United States in addition to the national flag. Among them are the president’ s and vice-president’ s flags and those of the federal departments and some federal agencies. Each state in the Union has an official flag. The United States Navy used special flags for signaling. [br] Why were only the flags of various European nations flown over the land during the discovery and settlement period?

选项 A、Because the flags were older than the national flag of the U. S.
B、Because the land was divided by these nations.
C、Because there was no universal flag over the land.
D、We don’t know from the passage.

答案 B

解析 细节题。该题问“为什么在发现和开拓时期只有欧洲诸国的国旗悬挂在美国上空?”答题依据在第一段。理解的关键词为as symbols of possession (作为占有的象征)。鉴于此,[B](因为这片土地被这些国家瓜分)符合题意。需要指出的是,该题的答案的表述采用了语意转换的手法。