Amongst women, it is not individual status that matters so much like being

游客2023-07-23  13

问题     Amongst women, it is not individual status that
matters so much like being liked by their friends.                                   【M1】______
Women don’t feel comfortable blow their own trumpets,                                【M2】______
because it would rock boat of a friendship based                                     【M3】______  
on equality. In fact, when talking to other women, women
intend to emphasize their failings rather than                                       【M4】______
their successes. Failures seen as more "human", and                                  【M5】______
they bring female friends closer in laughter,
commiseration and sympathy.
    So in conversation and relationships, women
and men start to different viewpoints. The overall aim                               【M6】______
of women is to reach a consensus by discussion, so                                   【M7】______
the main aim of men is to make a pragmatic decision
swiftly. The approach women adopt seem annoyingly                                    【M8】______
indirect and ineffectual to men; the approach men
adopt sometimes appears necessarily aggressive and                                   【M9】______
unfeeling to women.                 
    Understanding these inborn differences between
men and women’ are very important in understanding                                   【M10】______
your partner. [br] 【M2】


答案 将blow 改为 blowing。

解析 Women don’t feel comfortable已经是一个很完整的句子结构。feel是不及物动词,而blow their own trumpets在句子只能做谓语成分,因此须把blow改为blowing,使之成为现在分词作状语。说明妇女感到不自在的原因。应该注意到此处feel的用法不同于和feel+宾语+动词原形的用法。