Artists use caricature(漫画) to distort the human face or figure for comic af

游客2023-07-23  18

问题     Artists use caricature(漫画) to distort the human
face or figure for comic affect, while at the same                                   【M1】______
time capturing an identifiable likeness and suggest the                              【M2】______
essence of personality or character beneath the surface.
The humor lies in the fact the caricature is                                         【M3】______
recognizable, and yet exaggerated.
From their origin in Europe as witty sketches,                                       【M4】______
caricature grew through eighteenth and nineteenth                                    【M5】______
centuries, becoming enormously popular in United                                     【M6】______
States early in this century. In the 1920s and 1930s
especially, this lively form of illustration was appeared                            【M7】______
in newspapers and magazines throughout the country. The
caricaturists in this era drew their
portraits of important figures primary to entertain. In                              【M8】______
spirit their work was close to the humor of the fast developing                      【M9】______
comic strip and gag cartoon than to the
sting of political satire. Their subjects were more often
amusing than offended by their amiable attacks.                                      【M10】______ [br] 【M10】


答案 案将amusing 改为 amused

解析 句中,amusing 与 offended 是并列结构,主语都是subjects,但subjects在此指人,指被画成漫画的人。而amusing 的主语通常是物,表示“……东西令人好笑”。故amusing是误用,改为amused;